Making an 'Espresso' with AeroPress
Brew your AeroPress espresso-style shot
- Brew Time: 3.5 min
- Serving: 1 cup (shot yield @ 45g ± 2g)
- Hot water: 65g (94°C & above)
- Optional:
- Americano: Add 100g hot water
- Iced Coffee: Add 80g ice & 20g hot water
Latte/ Cappuccino : Add 100ml frothed milk
Toys you need
- AeroPress
- AeroPress paper filter
- A sturdy coffee mug
- Water temperature thermometer (optional)
AeroPress coffee tips
- Adjust serving as desired, at coffee to water ratio of 1 : 3.6.
- For americano/ iced coffee/ latte/ cappuccino, add hot water/ ice/ milk at approximately 2x of shot yield.
- Use espresso roast coffee. Grind fine. We recommend the following grind sizes:
- 1 to 2 notches for Hario Skerton +
- 2 to 4 for Baratza Encore
Brew with hot water just off the boil. Your espresso shot may taste overly acidic if water temperature is low.
How to play
Step 1
Bring water to boil. While the water is heating, grind 18g of coffee.

Step 2
Invert AeroPress plunger with seal facing up. Slide AeroPress chamber onto the inverted plunger, align rubber seal to fully cover number 3. Place AeroPress onto scale and tare.

Step 3
Add 18g of coffee grounds into inverted chamber. Wiggle to level the coffee grounds. Then tare scale.
Optional: Use the AeroPress Funnel to transfer the ground coffee from your coffee grinder bin to the AeroPress chamber if necessary.

Step 4
Start timer. Pour 65g of hot water into AeroPress chamber.

Step 5
Remove AeroPress from scale. Insert paper filter in filter cap. Twist filter cap onto the AeroPress immediately. Let steep until 1-minute mark.

Step 6
While coffee steeps, place a sturdy empty mug on scale and tare.

Step 7
At the following time markers, gently swirl AeroPress for 3 seconds and continue to steep:
- 1-minute
- 2-minute

Step 8
At 3:00 mark, place empty mug at the filter cap. Holding the entire AeroPress and mug together, invert to upright position. Then gently swirl AeroPress for 3 seconds.

Step 9
At 3:10, press plunger at constant speed, until plunger touches grounds at 3:30.

Step 10
Pull back plunger slightly. Remove AeroPress from mug.
Optional: Place mug on scale to weigh the yield.
Serve as-is or add hot water/ ice/ milk for an americano/ iced coffee/ latte.

Smell, slurp, enjoy!